Data Engineer

Data Issues Happen. Being Caught Off Guard Doesn’t Have To.

Enterprise Level Observability For Data Engineers: End the Firefighting and Focus on What Matters.

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Before Bigeye, my stakeholders would ping me every one to two weeks to let me know they needed assistance. Now, I get immediate insight when something is wrong so I can proactively notify downstream users and correct it before it causes a problem.

tina chang

Tina Chang

Data Engineer

Improve Data Pipeline Reliability

As a data engineer, you need to know when something goes wrong, whether it’s a broken pipeline or an unexpected outage. Don’t let your day (or night) get derailed. Bigeye helps improve visibility across your data environment, accelerate your time to resolution, and minimize your stress.

Problem: Constant interruptions caused by data pipeline failures.

Solution: Bigeye helps automate data quality and pipeline reliability via AI-driven anomaly detection that immediately alerts you when something’s off.

Problem: Pressure to get to the root of problems quickly.

Solution: Automated, lineage driven root cause analysis pinpoints the exact issue, reducing downtime and getting you back on track faster.

Proactively Monitor Your Data with AI-driven Tracking

Managing your data environment requires more than reviewing historical data—it’s about being proactive. Before Bigeye, data engineers like Tina were constantly bombarded with requests, often discovering data problems only after stakeholders did. The result? A constant game of catch-up that left everyone frustrated.

Problem: Stakeholders spot issues before you do.

Solution: Bigeye's Autometrics automatically detect anomalies at the column level, allowing you to catch potential issues early.

Problem: Overwhelmed by requests and questions from stakeholders.

Solution: Bigeye's Autothresholds automatically generate tailored alerts based on your data's unique patterns, allowing you to focus on the anomalies that truly matter, all with zero manual effort.

Improve Alert Management with Impact Analysis and Automated Detection

Alert fatigue is real. As a data engineer, you’re hit with notifications constantly—each one demanding your attention, but only a few actually warranting immediate action. This constant noise distracts you from the real issues, leading to missed signals and wasted time. It’s exhausting and counterproductive.

Problem: Too many alerts, not enough actionable insights.

Solution: Bigeye’s ML based anomaly detection and model algorithms automatically improve over time helping to significantly reduce the number of false alerts.

Problem: Difficulty prioritizing and understanding potential business impact of alerts.

Solution: Our lineage driven impact analysis helps you focus on any high-priority issues that might be affecting major metrics and dashboards.

Monitor Your Cloud, Legacy and Hybrid Environments

As your data stack evolves, integrating modern solutions with legacy systems can be a nightmare. The challenge? Monitoring data flows across a patchwork of on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments without losing visibility.

Problem: Difficulty maintaining oversight across mixed data environments.

Solution: Bigeye will scale and automate your data quality rules across the widest support of legacy and modern database technologies.

Problem: Integrating multiple systems is a constant headache.

Solution: With a wide array of modern and legacy data connectors, Bigeye connects seamlessly across your entire stack, keeping your data reliable no matter where it lives.

See Bigeye in Action

Get Hands-On with Enterprise-Grade Data Observability

Experience how Bigeye can improve your ability to manage data pipelines and improve pipeline reliability. 

Try Bigeye’s Interactive Demo for Data Engineers 

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Find out how Bigeye can connect and monitor your data pipeline, whether it's on-prem, hybrid, or cloud, with support for over 50 different data sources.

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Ready to stop firefighting?

Get hands-on with Bigeye and see how we can transform your data reliability.

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